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Does China Really Have 5,000 Years of History?

龙腾网/酱油宅 2018-05-15 16:03:19 中国历史5000年
37198 6 1



From: Europe/Switzerland/Ticino

Does China Really Have 5,000 Years of History?

It’s often said that China is a nation with 5,000 years of history ( written history ? ) What you’re less likely to hear is a discussion of where that magic number comes from. Truth be told, what you find when you go back far enough is a loosely weaved tale of conflicting answers, divergent histories and celebrated heroes of varying authenticity.

The earliest archaeological records that can be tied to a dynasty pertain to the Shang, a dynasty that began around 1700 B.C.





From: Hong Kong

I am doubtful of this claim, since it is extremely hard, if not impossible,to prove the unearthed civilizations in northern China, which dated back to some time between 4000 to 2000 BC, are the ancestral civilizations of the current China. That they just happened to be in the territory of modern China does not necessarily means Chinese are legitimate to appropriate them as part of their heritage. We just know so little about their languages and customs.

As to China's written history, I think the Shang dynasty was the oldest traceable dynasty.



Joined: Jun 2014

From: Lisbon, Portugal


Originally Posted by Holapian View Post

—I am doubtful of this claim, since it is extremely hard, if not impossible,to prove the unearthed civilizations in northern .......

It was actually only during the late Shang period that we find evidences of proto-writing and the existence of big settlements aka urban centres, and the existence of a stratified political structure.

But it's still up to debate if "Chinese civilisation" begun in that period or not.

Some scholars say that Chinese civilisation only dates back to the Spring and Autumn period (everything before that belonged to a different civilisation in the same geographic era), some say it only begins with the Qin unification, or some even say that the "China" only really begins during the Han 






From: Europe/Switzerland/Ticino

In terms of age, civilizations in other parts of the world precede China. Writing systems in Egypt and Mesopotamia ( places that actually do have five thousand years of history ) predate Chinese writing by two thousands years. ( Sumerian writing system 3.500 B.C )The world’s first city, Uruk, in modern-day Iraq, dates back seven thousand years. Even in comparison to Europe, China isn’t that old. Confucius’ life overlapped with those of Pythagoras and Socrates. China was first unified in 221 BC, a century after Alexander the Great had created the Hellenistic Empire, and just a few centuries before the zenith of the Roman Empire and after the Etruscans ( in Italy ) fall.

No doubt that china's history is one of the oldest and sophisticated history in the world.





Egypt :古埃及文明形成于公元前4000年左右,古埃及前王朝开始于公元前3100年左右,美尼斯统一上下埃及建立第一王朝,终止于公元前30年罗马征服埃及托勒密王朝。


Alexander :亚历山大大帝(前356—前323),即亚历山大三世,马其顿帝国国王,亚历山大帝国皇帝,建立了亚历山大帝国,在他早逝后因无合法继承人帝国陷入内战然后分裂。


From: Earth

There are written records discovered for the Shang Dynasty 1600 BC. 

The following Zhou dynasty 1046 BCE is when we first see the terms "zhongguo" referring to the land of the Yellow River and "huaxia" referring to the culture and people of the Yellow River.

We also see the first evidence of the concept of the "Mandate of Heaven", which was the dynastic system used in continuity up and until the 20th century.

The Zhou used the Mandate of Heaven to legitimize it's takeover of the Shang.

If someone really wants to have an intellectual argument, you could debate whether the Shang or the Zhou was the "real" start of China.

I see no good reasoning for moving the start to the Qin or the Han dynasty.

The reason people state that China is old, is not because of the start date. We all know it was not thee first civilization. It is stated as "old" because it is the longest lasting. The other empires mentioned in this thread such as the Hellenistic, the Roman, etc. are no more.








Darth Balle

From: 3rd planet of the Solar System

more like 3800-4000 years,


VHS's Avatar

From: Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

The Daoist (or Taoist) calendar claims about the ascension of Huang Di as the beginning of the Chinese calendar, which is the Gregorian year +2697 years. 

It is consider rather arbitrary nonetheless. 

I would consider the unification of China under Qin as a far better start year!





Gregorian :格里高利历是公历的标准名称,由教皇格里高利十三世于1582年颁布。而公元即“公历纪元”,又称“西元”。

A Vietnamese

From: meo

Weird, the last time I check, it's 4000 years, not 5000 years.


Darth Balle

From: 3rd planet of the Solar System

Originally Posted by VHS View Post

—The Daoist (or Taoist) calendar claims about the ascension of Huang Di as the beginning of the Chinese calendar, which is .......

How about Shang and Zhou dynasty ?? I think they are also Chinese, Confucius and Sun Tzu, two of many great Chinese philosophers was born before the unification under Qin






From: Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

—How about Shang and Zhou dynasty ?? I think they are also Chinese, Confucius and Sun Tzu, two of many great Chinese philosophers was born before the unification under Qin、

I don't deny the achievements of Shang and Zhou, but they were not unitary states such as the major dynasties after the Qin Dynasty:

The dynasties that are considered to have unified China:

1) Qin Dynasty

2) Western Han Dynasty

3) Eastern Han Dynasty

4) Western Jin Dynasty

5) Sui Dynasty

6) Tang Dynasty and the interlude of Zhou Dynasty under Empress Wu

7) Northern Song Dynasty

8) Yuan Dynasty

9) Ming Dynasty

10) Qing Dynasty

It sounds like there were 10 dynasties that have ruled all or much of China proper.
















From: Earth

This is kind of backwards logic. During the Shang and the Zhou, the rest of the land was not Sinicized. The rest was not "China" yet



—I don't deny the achievements of Shang and Zhou, but they were not unitary states such as the major dynasties after the Qin .......

What do you mean by unitary states? The Zhou was long considered the model of a unitary state by posterity and Li Feng's studies also showed that early Western Zhou was far more unified and bureaucratic than western feudal states of the medi period. I do not see the Western Zhou any less unified than say the Mauryan Empire or the Parthian Empire. If by unitary, you meant not ruling "China Proper" you'll need to define this China proper, as the concept never existed in Chinese history, and what is considered Zhongguo or even "Tianxia" changed in every dynasty.




你说的统一国家是什么意思?周长期以来都被后人们认为是统一国家的典范,且Li Feng的研究还表明西周早期远比西欧中世纪封建国家更加统一与官僚化。我没有发现西周在统一方面比孔雀王朝或帕提亚帝国差。如果你说的统一不是指统治“中国本土”你需要定义一下这个China proper,这个概念在中国历史上从未存在过,而中国甚至“天下”的意思在每个朝代都会发生变化。


Mauryan Empire:孔雀王朝(约公元前324年-约前188年)是古印度摩揭陀国著名的奴隶制王朝,因其创建者旃陀罗笈多出身于一个饲养孔雀的家族而得名。旃陀罗笈多赶走了希腊人势力并击退了塞琉古王朝的入侵。末代国王被臣子所杀遂灭亡。

Parthian Empire:帕提亚帝国(公元前247年-公元224年)又名阿萨息斯王朝或安息帝国,是亚洲西部伊朗地区古典时期的奴隶制帝国。建于公元前247年,开国君主为阿尔撒息。公元226年被萨珊波斯代替。


From: Europe/Switzerland/Ticino

—How about Shang and Zhou dynasty ?? I think they are also Chinese, Confucius and Sun Tzu, two of many great Chinese philosophers was born before the unification under Qin

No doubt, ancient Chinese people existed in the ancient world before Shang dynasty.( Like many Others place in the world ).

What is argued is if China has a history of civilization over 5,000 years.

In accordance with archeological datas China history is 3.500-3.700 years old.

Why the chinese claim that their history is 5.000 years old ?

It is not proved that China has a history of civilization over 5,000 years.








From: Earth

I think the 5000 thing is not perpetuated by academics. I think it's just around number that someone started using probably based on 5000-year-old ruins being discovered 

And you're right those ruins aren't evidence of civilization but you know how PR works



Darth Balle

From: 3rd planet of the Solar System

—Originally Posted by bananasinpajamas View Post

This is kind of backwards logic. During the Shang and the Zhou, the rest of the land was not Sinicized. The rest was not "China" yet

and ?

whats your point ?? that one patch of land was still Sinic, and thus it is still a part of Chinese history.





From: Earth

—and ?

whats your point ?? that one patch of land was still Sinic, and thus it is still a part of Chinese history.

i dont think you know what i am responding to.





From: Canada

Honestly I don't really hear the number "5000 years" being thrown around a lot. The thread seems like a strawman for that. The usual stated number is 4000 years, which is fairly accurate.



From: The True Capital of China

—Honestly I don't really hear the number "5000 years" being thrown around a lot. The thread seems like a strawman for that. The usual stated number is 4000 years, which is fairly accurate.

If you have never heard the number 5000 very often, then you haven't been to China. Every Chinese school child is trained in the concept of 5,000 years of Chinese history.




From: Canada

Originally Posted by Wenge View Post

—If you have never heard the number 5000 very often, then you haven't been to China. Every Chinese school child is trained in the concept of 5,000 years of Chinese history.

I'm not going to argue with you because you're well known as an "anti-Chinese" poster on this forum. The most common number used in academia is generally 4000 years. A majority of objective Chinese historians and historians outside of China agree with this number, even if there are some that throw around 5000.




From: The True Capital of China

—I'm not going to argue with you because you're well known as an "anti-Chinese" poster on this forum. The most common number .......

I am not and have never been an anti Chinese poster on this forum. Just because you do not agree with me does not make me anti Chinese.



Darth Balle

From: 3rd planet of the Solar System

—I am not and have never been an anti Chinese poster on this forum. Just because you do not agree with me does not make me anti Chinese.

you are anti Chinese and you know it, no need to deny your own identity lol  

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk




From: Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

—What do you mean by unitary states? The Zhou was long considered the model of a unitary state by posterity and Li Feng's ........

I would like to contrast the nature of Western Zhou and the First Empire of China (Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty) according to historian Huang Renyu.

Western Han Dynasty started with a feudal system, but the power of the principalities declined after the failure of the Uprising of Seven Principalities (this is my translation, but please check the more formal one.)

Eastern Han Dynasty was partially doomed by the Rebellion of the Yellow Band and the delegation of administrative and military power to the regional leaders, but that was NOT feudal per se.

—你说的统一国家是什么意思?周长期以来都被后人们认为是统一国家的典范,且Li Feng的研究还表明西周早期远比西欧中世纪封建国家更加........





From: The True Capital of China

—you are anti Chinese and you know it, no need to deny your own identity lol  

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

I am in no way anti Chinese.




From: Earth

—I am in no way anti Chinese.

Where is "The True Capital of China"?




From: It is a Top Secret

Where is "The True Capital of China"?





—Where is "The True Capital of China"?

here is the answer:




From: Earth

I dont know if everyone is being coy or not realizing that my question was directed to Wenge



From: Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

—Originally Posted by bananasinpajamas View Post


What renders the Chinese civilization resilient and other ancient civilizations more ephemeral?






Posts: 2,558

—I would like to contrast the nature of Western Zhou and the First Empire of China (Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty) ...........

The Western Zhou might be less bureaucratic than later dynasties, but one should not confuse this lack of bureaucracy with lack of centralization compared to other contemporary states. The Western Zhou, especially in its early phase, was far more centralized than feudal Europe as Li Feng have demonstrated. Whereas the lord and vassal relationship in the later is contractual and obligatory, in the former, the king's power were absolute and he could dispose any vassal and divide any of their fiefs to his liking. The Western Zhou even had Jianguo, a system not too different from the "Eyes and Ears of the King" of the Persian Empire. The only problem with the Jianguo was that they were hereditary however, which meant the Western Zhou was somewhat less stable than the Achaemenid system, but it still compares quite favorably with the Parthian system, and probably even more centralized than the Mauryan control of India from what I can gather and if these states can be considered "unitary", then Western Zhou certainly can, both politically and ideologically.



西周可能比起后世王朝官僚化程度尚有不足,但和当时其他国家相比较不能把官僚化程度不足和集权化不足混淆。西周,尤其是其早期,Li Feng已论证其比起欧洲封建时期集权程度要远远超出。后者领主与附庸的关系是基于契约和义务,而前者国王的权力是绝对的,他可以按照喜好处置任何下属和划分其领地。



Eyes and Ears of the King:指的是波斯帝国时期派去用于控制地方,检查民众忠诚和进行治理的官员。



—The Western Zhou might be less bureaucratic than later dynasties, but one should not confuse this lack of bureaucracy with ........

What do you say if I compare Western Zhou to a "feudal" state such as Sassanid Persian dynasty?

—more centralized than feudal Europe as Li Feng have demonstrated.

During early and high medi or this covers also the late medi, according to him? I haven't read Feng's book but I can guess by that same line of reasoning, the Western Zhou's level of concentration is actually higher than any medi states in the Middle East after the Seljuq invasion and prior to the Mongol invasion, including the Khwarezm-Shah, the most powerful state in the post-Seljuq period. Given its long period of unity, it might also be said to be even more stable than the Ghaznavid Empire in the years following Mahmud of Ghazna's death and the Timurid Empire after the death of Tamerlane.



—Li Feng已论证那比起欧洲封建时期集权程度要远远超出

是在中世纪早期,中期还是晚期,根据他的研究?我没有读过Li Feng的书但我可以用同一推理方法猜测,西周的集权程度实际上高于塞尔柱人入侵后蒙古人入侵前在中东的所有中世纪国家,还包括花剌子模这个后塞尔柱时期最强大的国家。考虑到其长期的统一,或许也可以说甚至比在伽色尼的马哈茂德死后的伽色尼帝国和帖木儿死后的帖木儿帝国更加稳定。


Sassanid Persian dynasty:波斯萨珊王朝(前224-651),又称波斯第二帝国,最后一个前伊斯兰时期的波斯帝国,灭于阿拉伯帝国。



Ghaznavid Empire:伽色尼帝国(962~1186),阿勒普特勤(AlbTikin)建立,其子马哈茂德苏丹时期帝国达到鼎盛,灭于古尔王朝。

Timurid Empire:帖木儿帝国(1370-1507),西察合台汗国臣子埃米尔·帖木尔建立的国度,曾联络初建的明朝希望共同反蒙,后在率领20万军队试图入侵明朝途中病死。终被乌兹别克汗国所灭。


From: %

—and ?

whats your point ?? that one patch of land was still Sinic, and thus it is still a part of Chinese history.

Sinic means Chinese, so yes.





From: %

—I'm not going to argue with you because you're well known as an "anti-Chinese" poster on this forum. The most common number ......

Wenge was not incorrect, most Chinese believe in a 5000 year history. Many Westerners often are proponents of a 2000 year history, or a 3000 year history. 4000 seems to be a middle ground that has some acceptance, but it is a thousand years shy for the Chinese, and it is even more shy for those critical of China's ancient claims. A lot of historians seem to take a strange glee in remarking that China is no older than ancient Greece, as if it implies greater equivalency.




From: Earth

Well actually do people say Chinese civilization is 5000 years old or that it has 5000 years of history

There is a difference



A Vietnamese

From: meo

—Wenge was not incorrect, most Chinese believe in a 5000 year history. Many Westerners often are proponents of a 2000 year ........

"Claims" (笑脸图片)




From: %


Yes, they tend to blend their mythological history and their neolithic period so they can give their claims more legitimacy.




From: Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

—Well actually do people say Chinese civilization is 5000 years old or that it has 5000 years of history

There is a difference

Certainly a few cultures in China dated earlier than the Shang Dynasty; loosely speaking, these cultures were found in China!


Peiligang Culture, c. 7000-



Yangshao Culture, c. 5000-



Longshan Culture, c. 2700-



Liangzhu Culture, c. 3500-


The Daoist calendar year is 4713 this year, but this is based on the assumed ascension year of Huang Di (or Yellow Emperor), which is mostly legendary rather than historical. 

The Chinese culture started earlier than 5000 years, but for reliable written history, most states the year of 841 BCE as the beginning year with reliable historical records. 

The Gonghe Regency from 841BCE to 828BCE was disputable nonetheless.










Pessimist Crow

From: What I think is a bad suburb of Melbourne

—Certainly a few cultures in China dated earlier than the Shang Dynasty; loosely speaking, these cultures were found in China!


There is a big difference between culture and civilisation though. For one, a civilisation must have a culture but a culture might not have a civilisation. A group of settlers may practices unique customs but they might not have an organised social hierarchy of role. And can you really call these people Chinese at all? These pre Qin States had never developed a sense of national identity that could be shared with other "tribes" and most often developed their society in isolated regions all across China.




—What do you say if I compare Western Zhou to a "feudal" state such as Sassanid Persian dynasty?


I do not know the details of Sassanid administration, but it does appear to be similar to the Western Zhou system (both are more detailly recorded than the Achaemenid system) from the limited things I have read. However, we still need to be cautious in equating the two as the details of many functions of official posts in both empires are not known, and nothing is universally applied.

From what I see, the satraps are very much like the guo in the Zhou Empire. 

1) Both were usually hereditary

2) These satraps, like the guo, were not equal in status. In the Sassanian Empire, we have Shahs and Shahrdar ruling the satraps whereas in the Zhou, we have a five degree hiearchical nobility system of Gong, Hou, Bo, Zi, Nan for the guo (fiefs).

3) Both contain imperial inspectors to check local power, in the Sassanid Empire we have the Shahrab whereas in the Zhou, we have the Jian 监.

4) The Sassanian Marzban and the Zhou Jianguo 监国 seem like parallel positions. Both are mini hereditary polities that the conquest regime established strategically alongside the conquered. So Marzbans are typically established along frontiers like Khurasan, whereas we also have the famous 三监 or "three jians" established by the Zhou around Henan to oversee the remnants of Shang power (we also have evidence from the oracle bones that Jianguo was already a Shang institution).

5) Both contains "client kingdoms" which already existed before the central authority came to power. In Sassanian's case, we have states like Albania and in the Zhou, we have the state of Chu.

I've seen some world history scholars who propose the idea that Qin unification was influenced by the Achaemenid system, which I find preposterous under the light of studies by Li Feng and other scholars. The Western Zhou (if not the Shang) already had a system with “states" 国 that was comparable to the Achaemenid satraps in the degree of control, although much smaller. The Western Zhou was very much a universal world empire in its own order and was quite extensive for its time (covering over 2/3 of the traditional central plains, part of the south, and probably part of Liaoxi in "Manchuria") and populous too (estimated to be at over 10 million by the start of the 8th century BC, and the population of the disunited Zhou states by the 5th century BC was probably more numerous than the Achaemenid Empire).










我看过一些世界史学者提出的秦的制度受到阿契美尼德影响,在Li Feng及其他历史学者的研究照耀下显得无比荒谬。西周(如果不是商)已经有了在控制力度上可以媲美阿契美尼德总督的“国”制度,虽然更小一些。西周在自己的秩序内是公认的世界性帝国,在当时是非常辽阔(覆盖了超过三分之二的传统中原地区,部分南方地区,可能还包括在“满洲”的辽西部分土地)且人口众多。(在公元前8世纪开始时预估有超过1000万人口,而在公元前5世纪分裂的周王国的人口可能比阿契美尼德帝国更多)


From: Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

—I do not know the details of Sassanid administration, but it does appear to be similar to the Western Zhou system (both are .......

Of course, this federation collapsed after the Western Zhou dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty represented the transformation of China to the centralized empire.




From: San Diego

once, when I was in China, I commented to my chinese translator girl about how everywhere I went in china I saw thousands of bicycles, but I NEVER saw any NEW bicycles... they all looked like they were 50 years old.

And her response was to say, " China is 5,000 years old.... a 50 year old bike is actually pretty new."




—Of course, this federation collapsed after the Western Zhou dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty represented the transformation of China to the centralized empire.

That depends on your definition of federation. If the definition of federation assumes the constituent states had rights that cannot be altered by the central power; this was not the case with the Zhou, where the central power theoretically had absolute authority over its parts and it was a state that had a loose control over its regional units, but these regional units were not independent, they were intrinsically part of the Zhou polity bound by a system of hierarchy in rites, title and bloodline. In another word, the fiefs of the Zhou had no legal authority which the king had to follow.

I would say that a semblance of unification was briefly re-established under the rules of the various "hegemons", although certainly not as centralized as the early Western Zhou. 

However, only some rulers were real hegemons, many others were only empty names. Qi Huangong, Jin Wengong, Jin Daogong and his successors were the true hegemons that had almost all of the central plains outside of Qin under their command with the backing of the Zhou king, Wei Wenhou was also close in doing that. In any case, its not like the concept of unification 大一统 was a Qin thing, it long existed under the Zhou.






From: Lisbon, Portugal

—That depends on your definition of federation. If the definition of federation assumes the constituent states had rights that ........

I remember reading somewhere (not really remember) that the Zhou dynasty in China can be very well compared with the Medi Holy Roman Empire when it comes to its political organisation and relations between the hegemon and its vassal feudal lords. But I don't know if that's an accurate comparison or not...




As stated before, Li Feng's argument was that the Zhou regime was much more centralized than feudal European states. European lord-vassal relationship was contractual and mutually obligatory, the Zhou king's power was theoretically absolute and often bond by blood relationship through enfiefment of relatives or marriage alliance.

正如之前说的,Li Feng的观点是周政权比欧洲封建国家更为集权。欧洲领主 — 附庸关系是基于契约和强制互助义务,周王的权力理论上是至高无上的且经常通过分封或亲属或婚姻同盟形成的血缘关系从而团结在一起。


From: Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way

—As stated before, Li Feng's argument was that the Zhou regime was much more centralized than feudal European states. European ......

Are you referring to this historian? 

It would be intuitive to discuss Chinese history on Baidu history forum, but Baidu is known for extremely low quality of posts!

—正如之前说的,Li Feng的观点是周政权比欧洲封建国家更为集权。欧洲领主-附庸关系是基于契约和强制互助义务,周王的权力理论上是........




From: %

The Zhou Dynasty was, perhaps by its nearest parallel, the Holy Roman Empire. Strong in the beginning, a few brief resurgences, and gradually the local land holders created a mess of hundreds of states who would eventually murder each other until one was left standing - and it wasn't the King.

跟周朝相比最接近的可能是神圣罗马帝国。开创时强大,少数短暂的复兴,逐渐的地方统治者造成了数百国家的混战,互相残杀直到最终只剩一个存在 — 且它不是国王。


From: Canada

—once, when I was in China, I commented to my chinese translator girl about how everywhere I went in china I saw thousands of ......

That's a good one!

And when was this?





Like I said, I find far more parallels between Zhou and Persian regimes like Sassanians and later Mongolian regimes like the Xiongnu or the Mongol Empire than medi Europe. The formers were far more centralized, there was no need for the kings to meet with vassals to determine the laws and policies of the state as in the case of the Holy Roman Empire.



From: %

Like I said, I find far more parallels between Zhou and Persian regimes like Sassanians and later Mongolian regimes like the ......

I meant it in regard to the political fragmentation of the nation until it had effectively become a collection of independent states nominally under a ruler. The King's direct authoritarian rule developed into one of symbolic importance, particularly with regards to religious practices, with only limited mediation power. The Spring and Autumn period launched a free for all contest, in which the Warring States emerged and later eclipsed the Zhou entirely.




The thing is that the Western Zhou did not "slowly become decentralized" in direct relationship with time, it became decentralized because the ruler made a political blunder and was killed by the invading Rong in 771 BC.




From: %

—The thing is that the Western Zhou did not "slowly become decentralized" in direct relationship with time, it became ...........

Not quite, there was a steady decentralization involved. Local landholders grew in power, to the point where a death of a king and a loss in a war could kickstart their independence.




—Not quite, there was a steady decentralization involved. Local landholders grew in power, to the point where a death of a ........

Provide an instance of decentralization. 

Even the last Western Zhou king was still calling upon all the armies of the vassals. The king might not be as influential as the first Zhou kings, but such cases dependent on individual military prowess of the founder applies to every empire.

Even as late as 817 BC, Zhou Xuanwang was still able to directly interfere with the succession of the state of Lu and appointed the younger son, prince Xi to inherit the succession over the eldest just because he liked Xi. No Holy Roman Emperor had that kind of power over his vassals even when the Empire was at the height of its centralization.

Other than southern states like Chu, which were never under firm Zhou control to begin with, successfully repulsing Zhou invasions, Zhou bronze inscriptions was showing that it was still calling upon vassals to campaign against the Xianyun in the west and north, Huai Yi to the east, and Qiang rong and other southern kingdoms around the Yangze, multiple times in the reign of Xuanwang, 827-782 BC.









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