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Why do Chinese TV stations copy Korean shows so much?

龙腾网/翻译加工厂 2018-05-15 19:37:42 韩国娱乐中国电台抄袭
37913 7 2



Chinese entertainment industry experts estimate about 80% of most popular shows on Chinese TV are illegal exact copies from South Korean shows right down to the show formats and show hosts. I guess for South Koreans an imitation is a form of flattery but I'm just wondering why Chinese love to copy South Korean shows so much? It seems bizarre the sheer amount of Chinese stations copying every single show that has been shown and that had become a hit show in South Korea. Is there some kind of censorship in China that prevents local producers from producing shows with Chinese ideas? I don't get it why do they try so hard to create parallel Korean TV's in China. Why not copy American TV for instance why South Korean?




Chinese entertainment industry experts estimate about 80% of most popular shows on Chinese TV are illegal exact copies from South Korean shows right down to the show formats and show hosts. I guess for South Koreans an imitation is a form of flattery but I'm just wondering why Chinese love to copy South Korean shows so much? It seems bizarre the sheer amount of Chinese stations copying every single show that has been shown and that had become a hit show in South Korea. Is there some kind of censorship in China that prevents local producers from producing shows with Chinese ideas? I don't get it why do they try so hard to create parallel Korean TV's in China. Why not copy American TV for instance why South Korean?



Yeah but none of the shows have any rights that were bought. For instance the show the South Korean show "Show me the money" which the Chinese station copied the Korean producers say they have never worked with the Chinese TV station and never gave any rights permissions. The Korean producer smiled and joked "if they come and ask us for advice we would gladly give them all the tips that can't be easily copied that they need for a quality show.".



Well yeah because The Rap of China 中国有嘻哈 is a post-THAAD production.

是的,因为中国有嘻哈(The Rap of China)是在萨德事件后的节目。

The 2013-era programs were all licensed. The first four seasons of Running Man 奔跑吧兄弟 were produced collaboratively with SBS; its 2017 spin-off Keep Running 奔跑吧 is not. Similarly the first four seasons of I Am A Singer 我是歌手 were produced under license from MBC but not Singer 2017 歌手. Same with King of Masked Singer 蒙面歌王 and its awkwardly named unlicensed successor... Masked Singer Guess Guess Guess 蒙面唱将猜猜猜 (or something like that).

2013年那会儿的节目都被授权了。前四季的奔跑吧兄弟(Running Man)是与韩国SBS共同制作的,而这个节目在2017年的拆分节目奔跑吧(Keep Running)则并非共同制作。与前者相似,前四季的我是歌手(I Am A Singer)都是在韩国MBC的授权下制作的,而2017年的歌手(Singer)则不是。与歌手相同的还有蒙面歌王(King of Masked Singer)和其未被授权、名字尴尬的接班人...蒙面唱将猜猜猜。

There's a pretty hefty list. From a 2013 article:

For the successful production of the Chinese version Korean staff members such as producer Kim Young-hee took part in the creative process building up a reliable relationship between the two parties.

In fact since airing the Chinese version of "I Am a Singer" more Korean entertainment franchises are being sought by broadcasters there. MBC has sold the rights of "Where Are We Going Dad?" and "Real Men" to Hunan TV while the license for SBS's "K-pop Star" was purchased by Shandong TV and KBS's "1 Night and 2 Days" and "Immortal Song" were sold to Sichuan TV and Shanghai TV respectively. Mnet's "Superstar K" was bought by Hubei TV and JTBC has exported "Hidden Singer" to Hunan TV.

这有一份相当长的名单。一篇2013年的文章提到,为了成功制作中国版,诸如制作人Kim Young-hee的韩国节目制作成员参与了创作过程,在两版节目间建立起稳固的关系。实际上,自从中国版的我是歌手(I Am A Singer)播出,更多的韩国娱乐节目专营权被卖给了这里(中国)的电视台。MBC卖了“爸爸去哪儿(Where Are We Going Dad?)”和“真正的男人(Real Men)”的版权给湖南卫视,而SBS的“K-pop Star(中版名字为中国星力量)”则被山东卫视购入;KBS的“2天1夜(1 Night and 2 Days)”和“不朽的名曲(Immortal Song)”被分别卖给了四川卫视和东方卫视。Mnet的“Superstar K(中版名字为我的中国星)“被湖北卫视买入,而JTBC则出口了”隐藏的歌手(Hidden Singer)“给湖南卫视。


“That still shouldn't be an excuse to not pay for the rights”

Welcome to China.




Aside from the politics recently China has a huge problem with copying whether it's music movies art or even children's cartoons. I think it's partly due to the educational system also government restrictions but honestly I really don't fully understand why.

It's a huge shame because China has such a rich history of culture to draw from in all fields from literature to painting and music. During much of ancient times China's Arts were far more refined and technically advanced than in the West or any other culture.

More recently check out this History of Chinese Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV3CrMCeSQ4

There were moments in Modern history when Chinese animators were doing incredible things extremely creative techniques borrowing in part from ancient Chinese Arts such as paper-cutting and brush & ink.

As an example Feelings of Mountains and Waters (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE5F78_PUTM) an animation that feels fresh & innovative even today.

But the government always had a way of stepping in and ruining things whether by dictating what could and could not be shown or by sending the animators off to labor camps :)

And these days we mostly just get cheap commercial knock-offs.









Because they're successful and require much less effort to produce.

Chinese audiences are different from Western audiences. There's much less emphasis on originality.




Because they're too egotistical and too cheap-assed.

Egotistical in that Chinese won't think twice about plopping down $50 billion to build a ghost city with brand new skyscrapers where the cement is cracking. They won't think twice about plopping down $200 billion to create a semiconductor industry by stealing technology from other countries.

They are too cheap-assed to pay few thousand dollars for the rights to the show. Because why pay anything when you can just steal for free? That is China's standard of ethics. Stealing resources and robbing from other countries outside of China is perfectly OK as long as it benefits the state in China.


中国人想都不想就会投入500亿美元去建一座满是崭新的摩天大楼的鬼城,楼的质量却不佳。他们眼睛都不会眨一下就会投资2000亿美元去打造一个半导体工业园区,技术却是在复制其他国家的。 他们吝啬于花几千美元去买节目的版权的原因很简单,既然可以偷,何必花钱买呢!这就是中国的道德标准。偷窃中国以外其他国家的资源,这样的行为是没有问题的,只要它有利于中国。


Why not copy American TV for instance why South Korean?

First China does copy a bunch of American/western TV shows (and movies). There are tons of shitty American Idol rip offs and films like Lost on Journey exist which is a copy of Planes Trains and Automobiles.

Second China and SK are culturally pretty similar. Culturally similar countries will obviously tend to have more similar tastes. When it comes to the US copying TV shows/movies they mainly copy ones from the UK. They could choose to copy India China or Nigeria which all have far bigger movie industries than the UK but they don't because most of them wouldn't translate well to American audiences.





Because the only thing chinese can do well is copy half assed



Because they are not different than the rest of the society they have no creativity.



You'll be surprised to learn that a lot of American TV shows are actually adaptations of British television series.

It's not a copy if the proper rights were bought. But like you said post-THAAD China has stopped paying for those Korean shows.





