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正在阅读:《琅琊榜之风起长林》Drama Fever热评

《琅琊榜之风起长林》Drama Fever热评

Nirvana In Fire II Reviews

龙腾网/jy01729046 2018-05-30 10:34:57 中国影视剧琅琊榜之风起长林dramafever
41879 6 110



The best Chines Drama ever! Highly recommend. Excellent acting, Great casts, perfect people playing the perfect role. Loved this drama and had to watch the Nirvan in Fire I again just to be able to related the two. Ended up going back to Nirvana in Fire II watched it all over again. And still, it is the best and I wouldn't mind watching it again in the future.


This series is incredible but why you killed the character of ping ziang my favorite actor huang xiaoming so i didnt continue the drama when he died.


Finally! A Chinese drama with a happy ending and with closure. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire 50 episodes.


Awesome drama! shouldn't be compared with the 1st one as they're different, but both are good. This is about the Chang Lin and Xiao Pingjing's growth. I'm emotionally attached to the characters in this drama, especially the Chang Lin family. I was really moved, it's a touching story about family, trust, loyalty and brotherhood. Hope there will be a 3rd one!


love this drama more than the first ! highly recommended!


I absolutely love this show! The actors, storyline, costumes etc. were amazing!! I didn't expect this to be as good as the 1st one but they proved me wrong. The only problem I have with this drama is that I cried so much. I was such a baby sobbing and sobbing and once I thought I was done, 15min later I'm sobbing again. I absolutely do recommend this drama. If you like drama that are unpredictable and keep you one the edge and draws you in. I recommend this drama for you.


Liked it but not as good as the first one. Actors very good. Slow start but story picked up steam.


3 star because huang xiao ming died. he should have been the lead.


Loved that there's a Nirvana II even though they can be stand-alones it was still great to see a somewhat continuing story. Enjoyed II even more than the first. A couple of unexpected twists which made it fun. Loved there were some real heroes in the show. Grew to like Liu Hao Ran's as an actor more and more as it progressed.


There are no words to describe this series. I would be wrong if i even tried describing it.


its a pity the big brother got cut off in episode 27. wah wah wah.


The quality of the acting in Chinese and Korean dramas, and this one in particular, just blows me away. Mesmerizing is all I can say. The only thing that could have made this drama better would be if they didn’t trip the horses. I don’t think doing so improves the battle scenes.


Your music is so lovely . Is their anyway to translate it in English. Also where can you buy the cd of the music. Thank you .


nope..thought it was a sequel to the first one but it’s not. new story line.


The Way of China - writing, staging, directing, acting, pacing - it doesn't get any better than this!


Nirvana in Fire 3, please... And thank you for NIF 1 & 2 !


Wow, this series make me anxious to see every next episode. It worth every minute!


It was a so so drama. Not as awesome when compared to the first one. Had to skip around some episodes but it really got me emotional in some scenes. Everyone did a great job acting, cinematography was great too but storyline was meh


This is the first Chinese drama I've managed to watch without giving up. And it's excellent. Don't compare it with the first one. I'm so glad I watched NIF 2 first because it was fantastic. I'm getting tired of people saying it isn't good because of the first one. The storyline was NOT meh, it was really good, but you had to pay attention to detail and appreciate how things slowly came together. This will always be my favorite drama.


I have cried my eyes out for Ping Zhang, his character was so valiant, humble and lovable. I did not get enough of this !!


On my 3rd time watching. I love this. Not as addicting as 1. But somehow just as satisfying.




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