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China will grow potatoes on the dark side of the moon by the end of the year

龙腾网/后羿A射日 2018-05-14 19:08:26 月球
38870 6


The moon has been neglected for far too long, and China seems keen on moving fast to cover all the lost lunar ground. The nation’s ambitious space program, among other things, is set on achieving several important milestones.


A trifecta, consisting of a lunar probe, lander, and rover, will be deployed to the moon’s orbit and surface respectively. This will be the first time a man-made contraption makes a soft landing on the far side of the moon, a site of renewed interest for many scientists. The mission will also carry insects and plants that will form a mini-ecosystem on the moon whose response will teach us valuable lessons in preparations for a manned outpost or even a colony.


Potatoes on the dark side of the moon


This remarkable mission is part of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP), otherwise known as the Chang’e Program, named so in honor of the Chinese goddess of the moon. Previously, the Chang’e program had already sent two orbiters and one lander to the moon.


In the first half of 2018, Chang’e 4 will initially launch a relay satellite aboard a Long March 5 rocket that will be positioned at the Earth-moon Lagrange point 2 (EM-L2).


This is where the satellite can essentially remain stationary relative to the bodies, since the Earth and Moon gravities cancel each other out. From this point, the communications satellite will relay data between controllers on Earth and the Chang’e 4 lander and rover slated to touch down on the moon’s far side — also known as the dark side of the moon since it faces away from Earth.


The lander and rover will be launched together six months after the relay satellite is deployed at EM-L2. The lander will be equipped with various instruments designed to study the lunar environment and geology in detail, but also a mini-habitat comprised of insects and plants.


“The container will send potatoes, arabidopsis seeds and silkworm eggs to the surface of the moon. The eggs will hatch into silkworms, which can produce carbon dioxide, while the potatoes and seeds emit oxygen through photosynthesis. Together, they can establish a simple ecosystem on the moon,” Zhang Yuanxun, chief designer of the lunar habitat, told the Chongqing Morning Post.


Last year, researchers grew potatoes in Mars-like conditions. Pulling the same stunt completely outside of Earth will be a whole different challenge which will be very intriguing to follow.



The lander and rover will be deployed in the huge South Pole-Aitken Basin. This is the single-largest impact basin on the moon, measuring a staggering 2,500 km (1,600 miles) in diameter and 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) deep. Previously, missions like the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and India’s Chandrayaan-1 orbiter confirmed that the basin contains water ice, likely sourced from meteors and asteroids.


This ice can survive in this form because the Aitken Basin is always shadowed. Once this finding was confirmed by NASA, the site has immediately been singled out as an important candidate for a possible lunar base. With this context in mind, the Chang’e 4 mission is valuable in the sense that it can help establish not only what the local terrain in the basin is like but also how the environment will influence organisms. For instance, gravity on the moon is just 16% that of Earth. Plants use gravity to decide the direction of their growth, and a strong or weak gravitational pull will also affect the height of plants.


If all of this sounds exciting, know that once the lunar habitat container is deployed at the end of this year, China plans to live stream the plants’ growth and development. Your message can also be among the 20,000 that will be sent into space via the relay satellite. You can submit it to the WeChat account ‘slecbj’ from Dec. 19, 2017, to March 6, 2018.




I‘m wondering how will the silk worms be fed the extraordinary amount of fresh mulberry leaves they need on a daily basis ?


Orange Cupcake6 Jan

How do the plants photosynthesie if they are landing in a basin that is always in shadow?


Rick LettOrange Cupcake6 Jan

Beat me to it.



The dark side of the moon is only dark to us . Half the time the far-side (usually called the dark side) is in sunlight and half the time it’s not  it is just that from earth we can‘t see that side. The word “dark” in this instance really means “unknown” or mysterious.



Well the dark side of the moon is only dark to us . Half the time the farside (usually called the dark side) is in sunlight and half the time it’s not, just like the Earth. The so called “dark side” was called that because it was the side of the moon that was unknown to us because we can‘t see it from earth. However in answer to your question according to this article “Natural light on the surface of the moon will also be carried into the vessel through light pipes to assist the growth of the plants inside,” http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/chi ... ontent_29751754.htm   Interesting plan !!!!!


Rick LettcassKAV8 Jan

Aah, good point. Missed that point entirely. Thanks.




Monsanto will claim they violated a patent.



Well done China, finally someone with some peaceful and useful plans for the whole of humanity. If they succeed with this on the Moon, Mars will be a piece of cake.



Americans on the comments pages again. I guess the CNN website was just a little too boring. Face it - while you do your racist comments, the Chinese are spending large on vanity projects on the moon. When was the last time the USA did anything interesting or productive?


Donald Trump

It’s fake dude, nobody has ever gone to space or the moon.

It‘s a trillion dollar scam.



I’m American and yes I agree with you on some of the comments about racism . However NASA has achieved many accomplishments . You must not really read the news much.How about all the planets discovered by Kepler or the ongoing rover and orbital missions with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and of course our own planet ?? I want to see more joint missions with other countries so cost is shared for humanity‘s knowledge.




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