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Why did China survive for over 2000 years while the Roman empire did not?

龙腾网/Q-Q 2018-05-14 19:46:57 罗马中国历史2000年
39332 7


Kaiser Kuo, 从1996年到2016年,在北京生活了20年

The question is not technically accurate. The idea of China may have survived for over 2000 years—arguably, even longer—but the Chinese empire welded together in 221 BC by the First Emperor of Qin didn't by any means survive intact through this period.


From 220 AD, when the Han Dynasty formally collapsed, China was divided into three separate kingdoms, and though they were briefly unified in the late 3rd century, it wasn't long before incursions from the Xiongnu, the Xianbei, and other nomadic- and semi-nomadic people carved out numerous kingdoms in North China while the South saw a rapid series of messy dynastic changes lasting until the late 6th century. These nomadic incursions that sparked this long Era of Division (known in China as the "Six Dynasties and 16 Kingdoms" or the "Southern and Northern Dynasties") corresponds in many ways with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire under the pressure of the Vandals, the Alans, the Visigoths, and the Huns—the "crisis of classical civilization."


The major difference was that China was reunited in the late 6th century by the Sui Dynasty, which briefly ruled a unified China from 589 to 618 AD, followed by the Tang Dynasty, which solidified rule and oversaw a period of prosperity until the mid-8th century. A bitter civil war tore the country apart again at that time, but Tang recovered, limping along until 907.


There followed yet another period of disunity, this one only spanning two generations; the "Five Dynasties and 10 Kingdoms" lasted until reunification once again under the Song dynasty in 960. Even after that, China rarely maintained real political integrity: The Khitan (Qidan) people from north of the Great Wall managed to carve out a substantial part of North China, including the city that is now Beijing, and held it through most of the 11th century and into the early 12th. They were superseded by the Jurchen (also Nuzhen) people from Manchuria, who conquered North China as far south as the Yangzi River. Throughout the 13th century, the Mongols made incursions into China, eventually conquering the entirety of the country by 1274 and incorporating it into their empire.


The restoration of ethnic Chinese rule under Ming from 1368 to 1644 was followed by China's conquest by the Manchu Qing dynasty, but even then, its rule of China wasn't complete throughout its three centuries in power: we see yet another period of political division during the mid-19th century, when the quasi-Christian Taiping Rebels took control of much of South China between 1851 and 1863. Finally, shortly following the end of the Qing and the founding of the Republic, there was another era of division from 1916-1928 under the "Warlord Period," though even after 1928, when the Kuomintang (Nationalist) Party took control of the Lower Yangzi and ruled from Nanjing, it would be a great exaggeration to claim that China was in fact unified. Powerful warlords still controlled the north (Yan Xishan in Shanxi, Feng Yuxiang in Henan and Shaanxi, Zhang Xueliang in the Northeast) and control of the western provinces was in name only.


Through this all, though, it could be argued that an "idea" of China survived. Chinese historiography, even at a popular level, understood that there was a cyclical process at work: "The empire long united must divide; long divided, must unite" was the saying (合久必分,分久必合). Obviously, the idea of Rome long outlived the collapse of the (Western) Roman empire, too: Germanic kings styled themselves Holy Roman Emperors, after all. Byzantium kept the idea of a united Rome alive too before it fell before the onslaught of first Crusaders (in the early 13th century) and finally, Ottoman Turks in the mid-15th. Never, though, in that whole time were either the Greek-speaking East or the Latin West able to effectively reunite politically, and that's ultimately why the idea of a Roman Empire didn't enjoy the longevity—interrupted many times though it may have been—that China did.


An Addendum: As Jireh Tan suggested in his comment, it might be useful to address the question of China's (supposed) linguistic unity as a factor in either its cohesion or its fissiparous nature. The languages spoken in different regions of China are not mere dialects: They don't pass the test of mutual intelligibility to this day, and must be considered separate languages. A guanyu or "official speech" of the court—what we call Mandarin is the latest example—has existed through much of Imperial (and Republican, and Communist) history, but the extent to which it was known or practiced outside of the court and the bureaucracy in the provinces and prefects was always very limited.

补充:就如Jireh Tan认为的,将中国(假定)的语言统一性作为其内聚性或分裂性的一个因素,或许有助于解决这个问题。在中国不同地区使用的语言不仅仅是方言:直到今天,这些语言仍无法做到相互沟通交流,被视为独立的语言。我们称之为“官语”或“官话”的语言是朝廷的语言,它在很大程度上存在于帝制(以及民国和共产主义)中国的历史中,但是,它在朝廷外被人所知或使用,而各省的官僚机构和官员则使用非常有限。

To this day there are a huge number of variants of Chinese, each with many sub-variants that often are not mutually intelligible either; "Mandarin" is spoken in the North China Plain and in the three Northeastern provinces, and in the southwest (Sichuan, Yunnan) where Han settlement was relatively late; the Wu "dialect" is spoken in the lower Yangi; the Gan dialect (assume the word dialect to be in quotes!) mainly spoken in Jiangxi; the Min dialect in Fujian province (though with very strong subregional dialects-cum-languages); and Yue in Guangdong and surrounding areas. Many of these are rooted in the far, far distant past and suggest the limited nature of the empire's cultural cohesiveness in even the times of greatest political unity. In times of fracture, the names given to geographically circumscribed dynasties or kingdoms by their various strongmen founders would often take the name of ancient feudal states or kingdoms from the Warring States period that flourished in a given geography in the distant past—arguably an indication that the separate identities of those states had survived in some cultural memory.


That said, the imposition of a standard writing system in the 3rd century BC by the founding emperor of Qin (秦始皇) went far toward knitting together the country into a single polity. As serving in the civil service—office holding was the sine qua non for membership in the elite, and was the only real ladder for success in imperial China—required passing a grueling series of written exams focused on one's knowledge of the Confucian canon, there was strong incentive to learn the orthodox writing system. This official written language proved a powerful force in the sinicization of conquest dynasties, none of whom ever successfully supplanted written Chinese as the dominant form of written communications.



Panagiotis Limnios

During the First Balkan War in 1912 the Greek navy captured the island of Lemnos from the Ottoman Empire and promptly sent soldiers to every village and stationed them in the public squares. Children from all over the island ran to see what these so called Greeks looked like.


"What are you looking at?" one of soldiers asked. "At you Greeks" one of the children replied. "Are you not Greek yourselves?" said the soldier. "No, we are Romans" replied the child.


The above story was told by Peter Charanis, a well known historian, himself born in Lemnos in 1908. At that time, more than half of all Greeks still identified themselves as Romans and lived outside the official Hellenic Republic, in the Aegean, Thrace, but mostly in Asia Minor.

上面的故事是由著名的历史学家Peter Charanis讲述的,他在1908年出生在莱姆诺斯岛。当时有超过一半的希腊人仍然认为自己是罗马人,他们生活在希腊共和国之外的爱琴海和色雷斯,但主要是在小亚细亚。

In the following decade, as the Hellenic Republic expanded and encompassed those areas as well (and eventually lost them in 1923), every child was taught to think of itself as Greek, not Roman. Thus ended the world's most ancient national identity, over 2700 years old since the founding of Rome.


However, if the original author is inquiring as to why there is a Chinese nation-state in existence today but no Roman nation-state, then the answer interestingly enough may be found in medi and modern Greek history.


The gradual collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire forced the remaining East to redefine itself by a predominantly Greek population. Indeed, Roman citizens in the Middle Ages would commonly refer to themselves as Greeks as well as Romans and call their land Greece and Rome (Romania) alike.



This relatively homogeneous state with a sense of common identity among the people, stood in stark contrast to the earlier massive multi-ethnic Empire.


This is the defining characteristic of nationalism, which was growing all over Europe during the middle ages and eventually culminated with the French Revolution in 1789 and the world's first nation-state, France. In Greece proper and Asia Minor however, the totalitarian rule of the Ottoman conquerors hindered Roman nationalism from maturing and prevented it materializing in a Roman nation-state.


When the Ottoman Empire began dissolving in the early 19th century, the Roman people came together and finally did form their nation-state, which they named Greece instead Romania which was the de facto name the people used. 


This break in tradition is attributed to the Renaissance on the one hand, which gave birth to admiration of the Classic era, and the increased reliance on the Great Powers for help on the other, who frankly found the prospect of aiding the descendants of Pericles and Leonidas far more appealing than helping the descendants of Basil and Constantine.



More importantly, by identifying themselves as Greeks, they renounced their claims to all and any Roman lands and titles their forefathers held, which put the great monarchs of Europe a little bit more at ease and inclined to help.

Still, once the political integrity of this newborn state was no longer at stake, the Greeks began a series of all out wars against the Ottomans anyway, in an attempt to reclaim all remaining Greek speaking territories in Asia Minor. Had they been successful, the final form of modern Greece would look suprisingly similar to the medi Roman Empire on a map (The above is a real map published by the Hellenic Republic in 1920).




Daniel Walker, 计算机程序设计员,养了一匹马.

China assimilates its past. John Man describes this rather nicely in his book Genghis Khan, where he describes the neatly circular logic, by which the official histories prove that China wasn't actually invaded.

中国同化了他的过去。John Man在他的专著《成吉思汗》中形象生动的形容。在书中他描述了一套简洁的循环逻辑,通过这套逻辑,中国的官方史书证明了中国实际上并没有被入侵。

Who attacked the Tanguts in the early Thirteenth century?

The Mongols under Genghis Khan.

Very good. What happened?

Genghis Khan won.

Excellent, and?

And eventually the Mongols defeated the rest of China.

They did, indeed. And?

And they set up the Yuan dynasty.

And the Yuan dynasty is an essential part of the history of which nation?













Jay Liu, 我一直在说我是个中国人...

Most of the answers cite the fundamental differences between the two civilizations as the cause for the longevity of the Chinese over the Roman.  And while I agree that the cultural integrity of China is definitely stronger than that of Rome in most respects, this is not the reason why Rome collapsed while China did not.

I'll start by countering the 2 common explanations that are often brought up:



Chinese civilization was better at integrating barbarians.

Not really.The Romans were masters of spreading their civilization and language.  There's a reason why the French and Spanish speak a Latin language and not a Celtic one despite the fact their DNA is probably still mostly Celtic.  The Western Roman Empire was the more culturally integrated half of the Empire, and it fell first.  The Eastern Roman Empire had influence from 3 major civilizations, and one of which was openly hostile towards Roman rule, that of the Persians.  But despite this lack of cultural cohesion, the ERE survived for 1,000 years after the WRE fell.



Chinese geography is more suited for an enduring empire than that of the Mediterranean.

Definitely false. The Mediterranean made the Roman Empire possible in first place.  It's no coincidence that the Mediterranean became a Roman lake.  It meant that every major corner of the Empire was but a short sea journey from any other part.  The geography of the Roman Empire was pretty much ideal for empire building.

China, being almost circular, meant you had to cross long tracts of land if you wanted to travel beyond your own river.  This is why the Grand Canal had to be built.




The main reason is far more simplistic, and far more specific.

The Romans had to deal with the Germanic tribes, the Chinese did not.



The Germanic tribes represented a truly existential threat to any empire.  They were not simple steppe nomads who could be easily integrated into a settled civilization, which is what the Chinese mainly dealt with.  No, the Germans were a highly aggressive, highly adaptive, and highly organized civilization that could maintain its identity even within the cultural borders of the Roman Empire.  


Now, with the right preparation and strategy, the German migrants into the Empire in the 5th Century could have been properly integrated and the Western Roman Empire may have lived on.   But due to the circumstances of the time (the Romans were facing a far greater threat to the East against the Sassanid Persians), the process of integration was completely bungled and the German tribes migrated in as whole tribes, independent of Roman authority or civilization.


Ironically, the collapse of Roman Imperial authority in the Western Empire didn't stop the Romans from eventually integrating the Germans who crossed into Roman territory.  Britain, France, Spain, Italy and North Africa were all overrun by Germanic tribes at some point.  But with the exception of Britain, Germanic culture was successfully integrated into the native culture.  The problem was that the Roman Empire itself was already gone by the time that integration had completed.


The barbarians that the Chinese had to deal with were an entirely different gang, and far easier to integrate.  

The Mongol and Turkic tribes of the eastern Steppe were indeed fierce and relentless.  But they were just too few of them to actually overwhelming the Chinese population, their culture, and civilization.  The fact that none of these tribes had a written language (prior to integrating with a settled civilization) or detailed set of religious beliefs didn't help their chances.



Had China been confronted with the likes of the Germans or another collection of tribes who preferred to settle and farm rather than to ride and pillage, then Chinese history would be very different.



Joe Rigodanzo, 主持人, "莱茵河" 播客

I would add one thing to some of the fantastic answers that mention the Germanic tribes being an altogether different threat than Steppe Nomads, the primary non-state actors that China faced throughout it's history.


Tens of thousands of Germanic Warriors from various tribes crossed the Rhine in the year 406 of our common era.  These tribesmen were fundamentally different than, for example, the Germanii of 110 BCE, when two tribes invaded the Balkans, Gaul, and Spain and did a lot of damage.  The Germanic tribes of 406 were also different than the tribes led by Arminius - those tribes that handed Rome a pretty terrible defeat in the year 9 CE at Teutoberg Forest.




Because by 406, the Germanic tribes had been living alongside the Romans on the Rhine and the Danube for 450 years.  The kingdoms opposite the Romans not only benefited from Roman subsidies, but from Roman technology and goods that spilled across the border.




The Germanii of 406 had multi-crop farming.  Arminius's Germanii of the year 9 were largely cattle-herders and single-crop farmers.   Multi-crop farming can support a much larger population - and the tribes near the river were bigger and much more capable of sustaining a large warrior class.


The Germanii of 406 were well-equipped.  The amount of Roman-made swords found in Germany is staggering.  Compare to Arminius's Germanii of the year 9 - perhaps only 10% of these warriors had swords.


The Germanii were well organized.  They'd borrowed a lot from the Roman military.  Many historians have commented on the porous nature of the frontier zones, especially in the late Empire.  This meant that many of the Germanic warriors who crossed the Rhine in 406 had served in the Roman military or against it - and the higher ranking chieftains knew how to use


Left: An overly dramatic representation of the battle of Teutoberg Gap, 9 CE.  Note the scantily clad warriors with relatively weak weapons.  They had no choice but to try to ambush the Romans - they could never defeat them in open battle.  Compare to Right: a representation of Goths attacking the Romans in the late 300s, early 400s.  Wow, they sure are outfitted a lot like the Romans, with heavy armor, helmets, and swords.  These paintings are overdone but a good depiction of an overall trend.


There was another way in which the Germanii of 406 were not the "simple barbarians" of centuries past.  They had developed political systems that could be extended to landed civilizations - in many ways,  they were more like highly mobile mini-states than they were like tribes. 


As a result, the tribal confederations were able to establish themselves in Roman territory as semi-independent - and then fully independent - fiefdoms.  Compare to barbarians in the Chinese Empires - semi-independent fiefdoms almost never popped up.  In Western Roman territory, there were at least 5 major Germanic groups from 395 - 476 in Western Roman territory itself. (Franks, Western Goths, Eastern Goths, Vandal/Alan, Burgundian)


I recognize that there were a TON of other reasons Rome fell - including civil wars, disintegrating tax structure, and enemies in the east.  Without one, a few, or all of these negative drags, Rome might have been strong enough to hold off the Germanii, as they had done successfully for 500 years.


That said, it's hard to deny that the Germanic tribes put the nail in the coffin, or were the straw that broke the Camel's back, or whatever you want to say.



M Markus Harrison.

If you say, "Why did China survive for over 2000 years while the Roman empire did not?", then I would answer, "And who says the Roman empire did not survive for 2000 years?"

What we can call Roman civilization and rule was in existence from 509 BC through to 1453 AD, or 1962 years.  Close enough for me.



The Roman Republic was the period of ancient Roman civilization beginning with the overthrow of Roman Kingdom, traditionally dated to 509 BC, and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire.  The empire was eventually split in two, with two emperors, and the Western Roman Empire did eventually fall, but the Eastern empire did not fall for another 1,000 years!


Summarizing Wikipedia, theByzantine Empire was the predominantly Greek-speaking continuation of the eastern half of the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Its capital city was Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), originally known as Byzantium. Often called the Eastern Roman Empire in this context, it survived the 5th century fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empireand continued to exist for an additional thousand years until it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. During most of its existence, the empire was the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe.(Please upvote if this answer was of interest)




Michael Cardinal, 一年四季都很爷们

As James indicates, location had a large role. The isolated nature of China made it difficult to invade. The distinction in the eyes of the Chinese between Inner China (where ethnic Chinese lived) and Outer China (wher non Chinese lived) created a core and buffer zone. Rome had this as well but being more open to invasion degraded the buffer areas (Northern and Eastern Europe).


But perhaps just as important is society and culture. The presence of philosophies like Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism each contributed to a communally focused society that could survive the ups and downs of politics and shifts of power. Citizens were not seen so much as individuals, rather part of the greater collective of China as a whole. History is seen as a cyclical flow, rather than points and periods in time. This gave the Chinese the perspective that if leaders changed, in general life would go on as it always had. In Rome (and in the larger Western civilization that emerged from Rome) citizens were seen as individuals. Each person was out for themselves (and in many ways still are in the West) rather than concerned with success of society as a whole. History for Rome was about power and control, not about a continuum of values, virtues, ethics and morals as it was seen in China.


A good work that helps to make this clear is Fire in the Lakeby Frances Fitzgerald. It is written about the Vietnam War, but the first few chapters are some of the best explanations of the difference between East and West I have encountered.

有一本很好的专著能帮我们更好理解这方面,就是Frances Fitzgerald著的《湖中之火》。该书写的是越南战争,但是前几章对于东西方差异的解释是我看过的最好解释。



The book "The Confucian Mind" by Daniel Wang makes the very insightful and apt point that China is the only "empire" that ever expanded its territory by repeatedly being conquered by other nations.  

Daniel Wang著的《儒家思想》这本书,深刻地指出了中国是唯一一个通过不断被其他国家征服而扩张领土的“帝国”。

"China" historically has been more of a form of "civilization", i.e., a form of social organization based on culture, religion and written language used by whatever rulers are then in power as a means of unifying the east Asian landmass, than a historically contiguous political entity or "nation".  


Within "China" today, you will see numerous ethnicities, and even among the so-called "Han" Chinese, who like to imagine themselves as single ethinicity, you will see such regional variation that is tantamount to ethnicity, so that the idea of "China" cannot be an ethnicity-based nation, but rather is a civilization (as I previously stated).  


Rome, as we understand it today, is a contiguous political entity from its founding to around 400 AD when it officially collapsed in the west.  However, if you think of Rome as a political idea, you will see that, like the idea of "China", it has continued throughout history in various forms until today.  


For example, in the west, the Roman Catholic Church, the Holy Roman Empire and now the EU, and in the east, the "Byzantine" Empire which was succeeded by Russia.  However, as a cultural civilization, we might observe the most notable features of Roman civilization (bloodsports and gladiator games, Apollo and Zeus worship, public baths, wearing togas, chariot races, etc. are some of the stereotypical ideas that come to mind) seemed to have largely vanished.


But one might say the same of much of "old China" also (e.g., footbinding, kow towing, the Confucian scholar examination system, etc.), but those observations merely reflects outward norms of behavior.  The key to the survival of China, and why Rome disappeared, is the fact that the people of China continue to identify themselves as Chinese, whereas the people of Europe no longer identify themselves as Romans (but rather as French, British, Spanish, German, Italian, etc.).  So the difference between the idea of Rome and China is simply that the culture of China has had sufficient permanence in the minds of its people to remain a unifying basis for national identity to this day.

但也有人可能会说 “旧中国”(例如,磕头,拖拽,儒家考试制度等等)也没有了啊,但这些仅仅反映了外在的行为规范。中国能够生存到现在,而罗马消失的关键原因,是因为中国人继续将自己视为中国人,而欧洲人不再将自己视为罗马人(而是视自己为法国人、英国人、西班牙人、德国人和意大利人等)。所以,罗马和中国的区别仅仅在于,直到今天中国的文化在中国人思想中已经根深蒂固,这都保持了中国人统一的国家身份认同。


Christos Antoniadis, 在伯罗奔尼撒大学学习历史

Actually, Rome did survive 2000 years (or, to be more exact, 2200 years); the most surprising fact is that the Roman state did not fracture like the Han Empire did into the the Three Kingdoms (AD 220–280) only to be reunited by the Sui Dynasty in 581 AD and then fractured again once the Tang Dynasty fell in 907 AD, then (after a Song reunification) be conquered by the Mongols in 1271 and the Manchus in 1644.


Chinese civilization is continuous and lasts from ancient times until now. The different Chinese states claimed the Mandate of Heaven and organized their government according to an Imperial system that originated in the Qin Dynasty. Yet, there was no one Chinese Empire lasted from 221 BC to 1911 AD.


On the other hand, legally speaking, the Roman state survived from 753 BC to 1453 AD with only two ‘divisions’; the first one between East and West in 395 AD. Yet this was not considered to be a real division by the Romans themselves. According to them, the Roman Empire was one with two Emperors.


The state continued to have two Consuls (one Easterner and one Westerner) and laws issued in one part of the Empire took effect in the other too. The deposition of the last Western Emperor was not considered that important by the Romans themselves exactly because of this reason.


The second division was that of 1204, after the Fourth Crusade. Three Greek states emerged, yet the Empire of Nicaea managed to restore Constantinople to Roman rule and reasonably claim to be the legitimate successor of the Angeloi Emperors. Thus, Rome fell in 1453. Although its capital, language, religion, culture and system of government changed significantly in that 2200 years, legally and ideologically speaking Rome survived to 1453.




Jason St. Pierre, 带有痞子气的历史学家,过去是天文物理学家,时常无聊。

Your premise is flawed.  According to the Roman civil calendar, Rome was founded on April 21 in either 750 or 753 BC.  The last major city in the Roman Empire, Constantinople, didn't fall until 1453.  That works out to just over 2200 years where the Roman state existed in some form.

Now let's look at Chinese history:



Shang Empire: c. 1600 - 1046 BC

Zhou Empire: c. 1045 - 256 BC

Qin Dynasty: 221 - 206 BC

Han Dynaty: 206 BC - AD 201

Jin Dynasty: 265 - 420

Sui Dynasty: 581 - 618

Tang Dynasty: 618 - 907

Song Dynasty: 960 - 1279

Yuan Dynasty: 1271 - 1368

Ming Dynasty: 1368 - 1644

Qing Dynasty: 1644 – 1911












Each gap in there represents an era where either China had broken apart and the smaller successor kingdoms were no more China than the Frankish or Vandalic kingdoms were the same thing as the Roman Empire.  Going by this timeline, the longest continuous period of time where you had a unified China was from 1600 BC to 256 BC, some 1344 years under the Shang and the Zhou.


Thing is, that's not the whole story either.  The Shang and the Zhou were separate cultures, so you have to ask yourself whether or not the Zhou conquest of Shang represents a unified Chinese state or two different states that went to war.  You can ask yourself the same thing with the Yuan and the Qing.  The Yuan Dynasty saw China conquered by the Mongols and the Qing saw China conquered by the Manchus.  They both adopted large amounts of Chinese culture, but is this situation really any different than the Ottoman conquest of the Eastern Roman Empire?


Edit: In response to the comments, let me pose a question of my own here: are we talking about the Chinese and the Romans or are we talking about China and the Roman Empire?  Cultural identification is trickier to define, but the original question seems to be asking about political continuity.



John Kuo, 失意的业余科学家

My own hypothesis to this (which I've discussed with my brother Kaiser) is that agricultural practices that are renewable and resilient have much to do with cultural/civilization longevity.

The only 'culture' that spans longer than Chinese is/was Egyptian, which 'ended' with the Arab conquests of North Africa.



Both Egyptian and Chinese cultures share in common a riverine based agriculture where fertile fields were renewed by annual flooding.  However, Chinese/Asian agriculture progressed to intensive terraced farming where fields do not lose their topsoil at the rate of Western flat-field practices, and are renewed with compost as well.  This allows stable, constant agriculture in the same location without farms turning to deserts, and no silting up of harbors, etc.  These issues plagued Roman cities throughout the Mediterranean.




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