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How advanced are Chinese high-speed rail trains

龙腾网/比木鱼 2018-05-15 18:47:38 中国高铁
71370 14 6



Question:How advanced are Chinese high-speed rail trains?


Answered by Paco Cabeza-Lopez:(upvote|74):

Paco Cabeza-Lopez的回答(74赞):

I have read all the answers so far but I can’t see any of them providing a real answer to the question. Some answers confuse the size of Chinese fleet with technological development. Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better. We know that well in Europe.


Certainly, “how advanced” depends on your own benchmark. For someone in the US, the Chinese High Speed (HS) network will be simply awesome. If your benchmark is France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium or Japan, then I would say it is quite equivalent in most general instances except for one, probably the most important one, SAFETY (I’ll get back to this in a minute).


I say quite similarly advanced simply because the Chinese have “borrowed” all technologies to make HS trains from the main European technological contractors. Simply look at the rolling stock running on the Chinese networks. Most of the trains are exact copies of the original Alstom, Siemens, Bombardier (rails division based in Germany, not Canada) Ansaldo and a few Japanese Shinkansen models. (Partially or completely) built in China but exact copies of the European/Japanese marvels.


译注:来源 / 百度百科;





CRH1 train models are Bombardier/Ansaldo Zefiro’s

CRH2 train models are Japanese Shinkansen’s

CRH3 train models are Siemens ICE3 models

CRH5 train models are Alstom Pendolinos

Etc, etc.






(译注:CRH 全称为China Railways High-speed,中文字面意为“中国铁路高速”。CRH1即为和谐号CRH1型电力动车组)

It is true that now China is able to make HS trains almost by themselves, but previous agreements with suppliers suggest they still pay royalties for every model they produce (or at least they should). And in no case, the Chinese may claim these trains as “Chinese technology”. Period.


Now, let’s go to the safety part.


Any country may have the fastest, superfanciest trains they can, but you need a signaling management system that goes with it and that guarantees no accidents while optimizing headways (ie, to get your return on investment operators place trains as fast as possible and as close to each other as possible in total SAFETY): in Europe, with ERTMS, we can place trains at 350 km/h every 3 minutes in a way that if one needs to stop to halt, the next one will do so without crashing into the previous one, in total safety. Of course this is not easy and needs its own planning, development and investment.

每个国家都可以建造他们认为的最快速、最豪华的列车,但是你必须有一个信号管理系统来相配套,这样才可以保证在不出事故的前提下优化列车行驶速度(例如,为了回收投资,在总体安全的情况下,经营者会将列车设置在尽可能快的速度下行驶,并且设置前一趟列车和后一趟列车的间距尽可能的短一些):在欧洲,通过ERTMS,我们能够把列车速度设置成每隔3分钟切换至350 km/h一次,通过这种方式,一旦前一趟列车需要紧急制动,那么后一趟列车将会采取同样的方式来避免撞上前一趟列车,这样就可以保证总体安全。当然要做到这一点不是那么容易的,这需要相关人员计划,发展和投资。

ERTMS stands for European Rail Traffic Management System. Basically, to make the long story short, the Chinese have adapted (or taken) ERTMS and called it CTCS, which stands for, you guessed it, Chinese Train Control System. ERTMS comes in 3 levels, 1 being the least advanced and 3 being a pure moving block system (trains talk to each other permanently and report their position in real time, no signals needed). CTCS also comes in 3 levels, with CTCS2 somehow equivalent to ERTMS1, CTCS3 equivalent to ERTMS2 and, CTCS1 equivalent to, mmhhmm, “non-safe” Automatic Train Protection System (ATP). Let’s try to elaborate a bit further:

ERTMS 代表“欧洲铁路运输管理系统”。长话短说,总体上,中国人已经改编(或者说 “采取”)了ERTMS,然后改了个名字叫做CTCS,意思是“中国列车运行控制系统”。 ERTMS分3个等级,其中1级是最落后的,3级是指“纯移动闭塞系统”(列车之间互相保持持续稳定的信息传输,并且实时报告各自的位置,不需要信号控制)。CTCS同样分3个等级,但是不知怎么搞地,CTCS2等同于ERTMS1,CTCS3等同于ERTMS2,CTCS1等同于,额额额。。。,“非安全”的列车自动防护系统(ATP)。我再努力说得详细一点:

CTCS 1 is a non-safe ATP system improved by some trackside data reading from a Eurobalise via packet 44. CTCS1 is not used for HS trains because it is designed for maximum speeds of up to 160 km/h. You may find this outside the HS network.

CTCS 2 makes use of ERTMS type data packets but – big difference – the system does not read a Movement Authority (MA) from the Eurobalise as we do in Europe. Instead, the MA is computed by the on-board unit combining trackside data from the Eurobalise with a track circuit code indicating the number of blocks ahead free. Putting your safety in a track circuit may not be the wisest of the ideas, as the Wenzhou train collision on 23 July 2011 proved, with 40 people killed after a heavy storm with lightning hit the area of the accident and made the track circuit fail.

CTCS 3 is the highest end Chinese ATP system capable of dealing with speeds up to 380 km/h with a similar ERTMS 2 type architecture and comprises Radio Block Centers (RBC) and a GSM-R radio communications infrastructure and on-board data radios.

CTCS 1是指非安全的“列车自动防护系统”,它是从“欧洲标准查询应答器”通过packet 44读取的轨道数据改进而来的。CTCS1不是用于高铁系统的,因为它是为最大速度不超过160 km/h的列车设计的。你在高铁网络系统之外的铁路系统中也可以发现它。

CTCS 2使用ERTMS类型数据包,但是,有很大的不同,CTCS 2无法像我们欧洲这样读取来自欧洲标准查询应答器的“行车许可模块”数据。取而代之的是,中国的“行车许可模块”数据是由车载单元综合两方面的数据计算而来的,一方面是来自欧洲标准查询应答器收集的轨道数据,另一方面是来自轨道电路编码指示的前方道路是否通畅的数据。将你的人身安全置于一个轨道电路之上,可能不是所有的方案中最明智的那一种,正如发生在2011年7月23日的温州火车相撞事故证明的那样,那次事故导致40人死亡,起因就是事发区域出现雷暴天气,导致轨道电路发生故障。

CTCS 3是中国最高等级的“列车自动防护系统”,能够应对最高速度达380 km/h的列车,采用和ERTMS 2等级类似的架构,包含“无线闭塞中心”(RBC),GSM-R无线通信设施和车载数据无线电通信。

In other words, and in response to the question asked, Chinese HS rolling stock (trains) are as good as European and Japanese counterparts but I would only trust a Chinese HS ride on a CTCS3 equipped network (and would try to skip CTCS2). Would never ride on a CTCS1 line (this one not supporting HS traffic). Today, only the CTCS3 signaling system in China is up to the European and Japanese standards.



Rick Wang:

LOL, I love how this person just low key skips the indigenously developed CRH6s and the CRH380s. Copied the Japanese and European models? China signed contracts and collabrated with those companies to design its first few models together. By your logic the Fiat 124 Spider is a copy of the Mazda Miata? Oh and China only has 3 CTCS levels? Forgot about the CTCS 0 and 4 I see? Do you want to do some more research?

真搞笑,我奇怪你这个人是怎么跳过了关键性的中国自主研发的CRH6s和CRH380s型列车的?复制日本和欧洲的模型?中国和这些公司签订了合同,一起来合作研发设计最初的车型。按照你的逻辑,菲亚特124Spider汽车是马自达MX-5 Miata汽车的复制品了?哦?中国只有3个CTCS等级?我看你是忘了还有CTCS 0的CTCS 4了?你难道不想回去做点功课再来谈这个问题吗?

Paco Cabeza-Lopez(答主):(2赞)Rick, Ill be happy to read your answer if you can provide one to Quora. Sometimes, being a bit of a fanatic makes you believe things are not exactly like you think they are. I can see that in many of your Chinese-related answers.


Anyhow, not mentioning the CTCS0 or CTCS4, or even ERTMS3 doesn’t mean I am not aware of them. They were not relevant for THIS answer. I just didn’t want to get too technical. but if you wish, I can tell you in this direct reply to you that CTCS0 is not signaling system, just a compliance level, and that CTCS4 only exists on paper, just like ERTMS3. Some suppliers claim having ERTMS3 solutions (moving block principle, like CBTC), but this is not completely true. They only have ERTMS3-like systems


Re. vehicles (rolling stock), youre perfectly endorsing my answer, and I thank you for that. What you call “design its first models together” is what I call “copies of exactly the same model made in China with mainly Chinese labor”. We are on the same page here.


Last but not least. I need do no “research”. Its part of my own knowledge and experience. Thank you.



Yi Lu:

Thanks for an answer with hardcore details! I love such answers.


I checked on Chinese internet and it is said that D trains use CTCS2 systems and their speed is 200km/h, while G trains use CTCS3 systems and their speed is 300km/h.


So D trains are not safe? or safe at 200km/h?


Paco Cabeza-Lopez(答主):

D trains are rather safe, otherwise we would have accidents every week or month. My point is that theyre not as safe as the equivalent European system for the reasons I explained around the Wenzhou accident. Never fully trust a track circuit. Theyre quite easy to fail, especially in bad weather conditions.



K?re Skak Pedersen:

I’m trying to imagine myself at the ticket office:


“I would like a ticket back home to Beijing. Please make sure it’s a HS ride on a CTCS3 equipped network.”


Besides I wouldn’t know how to express it in Chinese, I have a feeling that they wouldn’t have a clue what I’m talking about.


But I still get the point: Chinese trains are cheap copy-crap and only the HS ride on a CTCS3 equipped network is worth risking your life on.


Paco Cabeza-Lopez(答主):

I tried to provide an answer with limited technical details to the question. Of course, the situation you mention is rather unrealistic but, as just replied above to Yi Lu, traffic on CTCS2 systems are rather safe, otherwise we would have accidents every week or month. Fortunately this is not the case.

我是在尽量用不涉及技术细节的语言来回答这个问题的。当然,你提到的场景肯定是不现实的,但是正如我上面回复Yi Lu所说那样,D字打头的火车也是相当安全的,否则我们每个月或每周都要发生交通事故了。幸运的是,事情并没有像这样发生。


Vincent Poon:

Interesting but your answer seems lacking. Out of curiosity, I‘ve decided to search the web for the “worst high speed rail accidents” and here’s the top 3 results.


Eschede derailment occurred on 3 June 1998, deaths 101, injuries 88

Santiago de Compostela derailment occurred on 24 July 2013, deaths 80, injuries 140

Wenzhou train collision on 23 July 2011, deaths 40, injuries 200+ (based in the wiki article, this is China‘s first fetal highspeed rail accident)




In comparison, let’s take a look at this list of non highspeed rail accidents by death toll.


Paco Cabeza-Lopez(答主):

Thank you so much for this question, Vincent. I was really expecting it so that I could elaborate a bit more. Wonder why my answer is “lacking” but anyhow. Ill be short for this is just an answer to a direct question. Ill start in reverse order:


Wenzhou, 2011: I already provided details, no questions here.


Spain (Santiago de Compostela) 2013: The accident was a political disaster: The line had to be opened prior to some kind or regional elections and long story short, the last 6.5km were not equipped with ERTMS, only the ASFA national system. The accident ocurred during the transition from ERTMS to ASFA, on the ASFA section. ASFA was not able to stop the train. It warned the driver but he was busy (apparently) on the phone and did not brake in time (he forgot he had to take over the train on the non-ERTMS section). Therefore, ERTMS is not to be blamed here. On the country, it wouldve stopped the train if implemented. But it wasnt.


Last but not least, Enschede, Belgium (1998): the easy outcome of this accident was/is that the whole country is currently being re-signaled into ERTMS (in order to avoid accidents like Enschede), just like Denmark or Switzerland.. Netherlands is also thinking about it. At that time we had no ERTMS in place, it was being developed. The Belgian system was completely outdated in most parts of the country.




