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How advanced are Chinese high-speed rail trains

龙腾网/比木鱼 2018-05-15 18:55:57 中国高铁
60444 12



Question:How advanced are Chinese high-speed rail trains?


Answered by K?re Skak Pedersen(upvote|478):

K?re Skak Pedersen 的回答(478赞):

First of all, thanks to Robin Daverman for sharing the pictures from the high-speed trains in China.


I’m a daily user of the G-trains, as their technical names are.


I haven’t much to add about the massive cattle drive we see on the National Holidays. It IS a little overwhelming. My contribution is more about convenience and the user experience.


But “How advanced” are they?


I’m danish, coming from a tiny country and comparing to the quality trains we have back home, the Chinese G-train is out of this world.


I will share two observations from my commutes on these trains:


Accelerations- and decelerations are incredibly smooth. If I stick my nose into the mobile phone and don’t pay attention to the view from my window, I can’t tell if we’re going 300km/h (186mph) or if we have stopped at a station. 

加速 - - 和减速简直是难以想象的平稳流畅。如果我眼睛看手机太近,而没有注意窗外的视野的时候,我几乎感觉不到,我们到底是在以300km/h行驶中,还是停靠在了站台。

“Smooth ride” is what comes to mind.


When the trains back home in Denmark, on a rare occasion, reaches their near-maximum speed - half the speed of the Chinese G-train, you don’t need to look out the window to determine that we’re roaring the tracks at aprox. 150–160km/h. Everything is rattling and shaking, not bad, but you have no doubt when the danish train is going ‘all in’.

但是换成在我们丹麦乘坐列车时,一般在非常罕见的情况下,列车才会以接近最大速度行驶 - - 这个最大速度也不过是中国高铁最大速度的一半,你根本就不需要看向窗外看就知道列车的运行情况,当速度达到接近150到160km/h最大速度的时候,列车自己就会在铁轨上咆哮,所有的零件都会咔嚓作响,列车不断振动摇晃,这并不是列车出什么故障了,而是,你此时可以毫无疑问地意识到,丹麦的火车正在“全速”行驶。

The other cute detail I experienced one day, was an announcement over the speakers on the train:


“For safety reasons, we are currently driving with reduced speed. We apologize for any delays on your continued travel.”


A quick glance at the cabin info-system told me that we actually did run on reduced speed. 275km/h (170mph) !

我迅速地扫了一眼车厢上的信息显示屏,上面显示我们刚才确实在降速行驶  - - 降速是275千米/小时!

Sometimes they’re just so cute!



▼Jeffrey Lu:

China has done a tremendous job building a nationwide HSR network, but it’s a little silly to equate a smooth ride to better technology. Two things to consider:


Ride smoothness is mostly determined by track condition.


China’s HSR tracks are quite new, and are thus still in good condition. Unlike Japan or some European countries, China’s tracks haven’t yet endured several decades of wear.


If you’ve been on some of the older European high speed lines, you can feel the difference that a few decades makes on ride quality. China’s real test will be its ability to maintain, not build, a smooth-riding HSR network.


——▼Siwei Peng:

——Good point. But is silly a necessary word here? Better replace it with another word.



▼John Doe:

The G train you ride are Kawasaki Shinkansen E2 models.


——▼Wang Jingzhou:

——hey friend you are wrong…currently China high speed trains has 4 models:


——CRH1(D train) we bought it from Canada Bombardier and assembly in China. and there is no transaction in technologies, China only assembled 40 trains.


——CRH2(D train) it is the kawasaki E2–100 models, and we bought their technologies. the speed of this type < 200 KM/h.

——CRH2(动车),是日本新干线E2–100型原型,这一车型我们买了他们的技术。它的速度在200 KM/h以下。

——CRH5(G train) which speed <=250 KM/h,we bought this type and its patents from French Company-Alstom.

——CRH5(高铁),最大速度250 KM/h,我们从法国阿尔斯通那里,购买了这种车型和专利权。

——CRH3(G train) which speed>300 KM/h, we bought this type and its patents from German Company-Simenz, and absorb it as our own technologies.

——CRH3(高铁),速度可以达到300 KM/h以上,我们从德国西门子那里,购买了车型和专利权,然后消化吸收形成了我们自己的技术。


——▼John Doe:

——A Honda Accord assembled in China is not considered a Chinese car, but a Japanese car in China.


——A Chinese CRRC train model assembled in the US for Boston MBTA is not considered an American train, but a Chinese train in the US.


(译注:全球最大的铁路车辆制造商中国中车公司在美国投资兴建的第一个制造基地3日在马萨诸塞州春田市(又译斯普林菲尔德)正式破土动工。中车公司4日向中新社记者证实,用于波士顿市地铁的284辆地铁将在此进行组装生产。 / 来源:百度搜索)

——All high speed train models assembled in China under license are considered to be Bombardiers, Kawasakis, Alstoms, and Siemens trains, not Chinese trains.


——Only Chinese trains designed in China are considered Chinese trains, and the only model that remotely fits this description is the CRH380A, which combines Kawasaki E2’s body with Siemens power bogies to create a new model that didn’t exist before.

——只有在中国设计的列车才被人认为是中国列车,唯一 一个最符合这个描述的模型就只有CRH380A车型了,它是由中国人采用新干线E2的车身融合西门子的电力系统,最后创造出来的,以前不存在的新模型。

——Hope that helps.

In this respect, Chinese are still decades behind Japanese and Koreans that run domestically engineered high speed train models.




▼Star Lee:

Beside the train itself, I love other things it brings.


1. pretty convenient transfers net.

2. There will be another kind of prosperity coming: high speed train shopping area.

3. It changes the old dirty image railway station.

4. Sleeping bed train not so good as Europe, but also seldom needed.

1. 相当方便的转车网络。

2. 还有一个成功的点:高铁的购物区。

3. 它改观了火车站台老旧脏乱的景象。

4. 卧铺车厢虽然不像欧洲那样好,但是高铁实际上很少有这个需求。


▼Stephen Thompson:

China has two thirds of the world’s high speed trains. I have ridden on them and they are great - fast, clean, comfortable and convenient, except that the stations are mostly in suburban areas so transiting is inconvenient.

中国有世界三分之二的高速列车。我坐过中国的高铁,它们确实很棒 - - 快速,干净,舒适和方便,除了有一点,就是高铁站大都在郊区,所以转车不方便。

But they aren’t particularly advanced. The technology was copied from Germany, and go about the same speed as German, French and Japanese trains. The safety record is poor compared to Japan, which has never had a major high speed train accident.


In Wenzhou 2012 a lot of people died - we don’t know how many, because the Chinese government usually releases false information about major disasters, but it was probably a lot more than than the 40 fatalities they claimed. Their immediate reaction was to bury the news by literally burying the carriages beside the track, before all the dead people were out. Not very advanced.

2012年在温州有很多人死亡 - - 我们不知道有多少,因为中国政府对于严重的灾难经常发布虚假的信息,所以很可能不止他们所声称的40人而是有更多人遇难。他们的第一反应是,通过在出事的铁轨旁边就地掩埋车厢,来达到掩盖信息的目的,甚至连死者都还没有全部清理出车厢。这一点很不先进。

Anyway, China has come a long way since the 19th century when the emperor purchased and tore up China’s first railway - because it damaged the Fengshui.

不管怎样,比起19世纪的中国,现在的中国已经有很大的进步了,那个时候的中国皇帝买下了中国第一条铁路,然后拆毁了它 - - 因为它破环了风水。

——▼Mike Jan:

——it is a pen or a car?so that Chinese easy to copy?if this is easy enough to copy,why your country dose not copy it?



——▼Stephen Thompson:

——Because my country is buying it, we are a country ruled by a legal system and we cannot steal or copy intellectual property as you suggest



——▼Andie Qin:

——1. Please show me the evidence (You said China copied the technology from Germany and Japan )

——2. The accident in 2012 is the only accident so far as I know and it was not caused by technology. We never want to cover it ,a large number of officials were punished for this accident.

——3.You said you could speak and write Chinese, then there are some words for you




——1. 请向我展示你的证据(你说中国拷贝德国和日本的技术)

——2. 据我所知,2012年的事故是迄今为止中国高铁发生的唯一 一起事故,而且它并不是由于技术导致的,我们从来没有试图去掩盖信息,有数目众多的官员因这起事故遭到惩罚。

——3. 你说你可以表达和书写中文,那么有几个中文可以送给你:




——▼Stephen Thompson:

——The evidence is the history of railway technology

Someone else commented that the accident was caused by lightning, do you believe this? If they are not responsible then why would those officials be punished? Is it normal to punish a large number of people for an accident, when they are not responsible, in China?






