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Why is the concept of ‘losing face’ so strong in Chinese culture?

龙腾网/不爱睡觉的猪 2018-06-14 17:39:32 中国文化
48996 8 6



Collin Anthony Spears, Lived in China for 2.5 years in two different provinces.(在中国两个省份居住了2.5年)

Answered Fri

I’m not going to focus on the origin, other people have done a far better job speaking about the origin of the concept of “face”. I will speak more about the practical application in modern society as I experienced it.

In a group based society everyone is judging everyone all the time. Shame is a means of social control and it starts in the family.

Westerns, especially in Anglophone, countries are taught to be “guilty”, meaning “feeling personally bad for what you do because you know in your heart it was bad”, EVEN if no one is judging you.

In East Asia, this is not what parents do, usually the shame them and compare them to others in a negative way to get them to behave in the appropriate way. Shaming and caring about what others think of you, is key to social control as much or more than Anglophone “guilt based culture”. I have met East Asians, in the extreme, who do not think something is really wrong, as long as they just do not get caught.

So the locus of control in society is external, whereas in Anglophone societies it is more internal.This is why people in Northern Europe and North America say things like “who are you to judge me”, “it is my life”, “I don’t care what others think”, “ I do whatever I want…” Many people really mean it.

So I guess using both methods there can be extremes.

It does not mean East Asians have no guilt and Western people cannot be shamed. Oh no, both things happen every day all day, but it is more an issue of degree of importance in the society. Actually I think Southern Europeans are somewhere in between….Northern Europeans tend to be into the “it is my life, don’t judge me, leave me alone” type of attitude. I know for a fact Italian and French culture do emphasis “personal honor” and do care about “public shame” a lot more than people in Northern Europe. In the U.S. this concept is stronger in the Southeast than in the North due to historical reasons.

This is why face is important. It is how group based societies in East Asia control behavior within the group.

Funny thing is, in East Asia, most people are pretty “mild”, more passive aggressive than overtly aggressive, but usually when someone starts to act “crazy in public” it is due to them perceiving someone else made them “lose face”. I have seen, in China, several times people explode in anger in public places (like airports, restaurants) and scream at people for more than 15–20 minutes straight, because they felt someone (usually staff in those places) made them lose face.










Miguel Paraz

Sat · 2 upvotes including Collin Anthony Spears

Good analysis. We can even have a mix, in the Philippines we have both the Asian and the Spanish forms of shame and honour, the latter similar to Latin American cultures.


Johannes Sulistyo


In short, it is “peer pressure” for you? This is quite a unique perspective, but still makes sense nevertheless.

For long, I have been thinking that Asians are like “everyone is for themselves” are the main cause of why we always keep our guise in front of everyone else. Since high school, I’ve been told by my “cool” friends” that you can cheat, you can lie, and you are still good as long as nobody caught you. This is why I sometimes call Asians to be “smartass” and “edgy-wannabe”, because they (including some of my best friends) reserve a view that a person who already abandons their idealism and found the necessity of being ruthless with morality when necessary are “grown ups”.



Srikrishna Bhat

Sat · 1 upvote from Collin Anthony Spears

Shaming and caring about what others think of you is common in India and maybe rest of South Asia as well!




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